Made for Brackey's Game Jam 2024.1

Added a brightness slider because certain screens were very dark compared to ours.


You and your friends have found an abandoned building and took it upon yourselves to explore. As you move through the building, you notice it isn’t as abandoned as you once imagined. You must escape the labyrinth of rooms and get to safety! Which door leads to the exit…


- Left click to walk to things such as doors and interact with items

- Left click again on doors to go through

- You can listen to doors to hear whats on the other side, or peek and hold left click to open the door

- Enemies are quite strong and you'll have to survive a bunch of rooms (10), so try not to face them

- Enemies have certain attacks they are weak to and strong against, you can find them through trial and error or try to rack your brain

- Items are important and you should try to gather as many as you can (wink wink)

- You can get items from backpacks on the floor in certain rooms


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